

Good heavens, life goes by fast. Last week I treated myself to an extra long weekend and went north to visit my dear friend Kristine and my wonderful Jack, Michelle and Charlie. What a fun time, you guys! I loved being able to drive by myself for hours. I love being able to think about whatever I want or not think about anything without being chastised by passengers for being boring. It was a great weekend of just doing nothing. Love it.

This morning I woke up to several inches of snow, and it continues to dump. I'm usually really cranky about snow because I hate being cold above all things. (Forget that fire and brimstone stuff. I'm convinced Hell is actually freezing.) However, every time I brush my car off and then it's covered again in 30 seconds, I've just been laughing about it. This weather is just ridiculous! So I'm working early so I can spend the rest of my day reading, watching movies, and drinking decadent hot chocolate. :)


Mary said...

Ha ha. I love the Hell freezing over comment. I couldn't agree more!

Clarissa Meegan said...

I'm totally there on the Hell is freezing comment. I've decided that I hate the snow.

Michelle, Jack, Charlie, and Nick! said...

Don't you think it's time to update crazy? January has been over for quite some time now and Charlie needs some new posts about him aunt Kate!

Jo said...

It's now April 6. Time to update this 'thang'.

mom :)